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好书推荐: 肆意沦陷  全能司机系统  尸影迷情  冥婚萌妻:冷情帝少求不撩  紫微煞  都市最强神装系统  盛世嫡女:医品特工妃  左道仙医  封少,有点甜!  重生项羽一统天下 

Advanced European Union Armed Forces (???)

——AEU Special Military Operation Forces (XXX)

————Colonel Kati Mannequin

——————2nd Lieutenant Patrick Colasour

Azadistan Royal Armed Forces (Marina Is mail, ???)

Imperial State of Iran Armed Forces (???)


Second Phase of Armed Interventions


Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations Armed Forces (President Brian Stegmeyer)

——UNION Space Operations Command (Lieutenant General Homer Katagiri)

——Anti-Gundam Investigative Taskforce “Over Flags” (Captain Graham Aker, II)

————Lieutenant Barack Jinin

————Warrant Officer Howard Mason

————Technical Sergeant Daryl Dodge

————2nd Lieutenant Joshua Edwards

————Warrant Officer Michael McNeil

————Warrant Officer Logan Shepherd

————Officer Trainee Timothy Granger

——UNION Central Combatant Command (XXXXXX)

————UNION Space Forces Central (Colonel Arthur Goodman, XXXX)

Human Reform League Armed Forces (???)

——HRL Special Military Operation Forces (XXX)

————Chobu Squadron (Lieutenant Colonel Sergei S mirnov, II)

——————2nd Lieutenant Soma Peries

——————2nd Lieutenant Leonard Fiennes

Advanced European Union Armed Forces (???)

——AEU Special Military Operation Forces (XXX)

————Colonel Kati Mannequin

——————2nd Lieutenant Patrick Colasour


Rogue Innovades (Beside Pain, ???)

——Agent Gregory Granger

——Agent Yusuf Suleiman


Celestial Being (Aeolia Schenberg, ???)

——Ptolemaios Team (Sumeragi Lee Noriega, I)

————Gundam Meister Setsuna F. Seiei

————Gundam Meister Lockon Stratos

————Gundam Meister Allelujah Haptis m

————Gundam Meister Tieria Erde

——Fereshte (Chall Acustica, I)

————Gundam Meister Fon Spaak


Team Trinity (Alejandro Corner, I)

——Gundam Meister Johann Trinity (K.I.A)

——Gundam Meister Michael Trinity (K.I.A)

——Gundam Meister Nena Trinity


Third Phase of Armed Interventions


United Nations Special Military Operation Forces (Alejandro Corner, K.I.A., XX)

——UNION Special Military Operation Forces (Colonel Arthur Goodman, X)

————USS Galápagos (Senior Captain Aber Lindt)

————Anti-Gundam Investigative Taskforce “Over Flags” (Captain Graham Aker, II)

——————Lieutenant Barack Jinin

——————Warrant Officer Howard Mason

——————Warrant Officer Daryl Dodge

——————2nd Lieutenant Joshua Edwards

——————Warrant Officer Michael McNeil

——————Warrant Officer Logan Shepherd

——————Officer Trainee Timothy Granger

——HRL Special Military Operation Forces (Lieutenant Colonel Sergei S mirnov, X)

————Chobu Squadron (Lieutenant Colonel Sergei S mirnov, II)

——————2nd Lieutenant Soma Peries

——————2nd Lieutenant Leonard Fiennes (M.I.A.)

——AEU Special Military Operation Forces (Colonel Kati Mannequin, X)

————2nd Lieutenant Patrick Colasour


Rogue Innovades (Beside Pain, K.I.A., ???)

——Agent Gregory Granger

——Agent Yusuf Suleiman (K.I.A.)

——Agent Ali al-Saachez (K.I.A.)


Celestial Being (Aeolia Schenberg, ???)

——Ptolemaios Team (Sumeragi Lee Noriega, I)

————Gundam Meister Setsuna F. Seiei (M.I.A.)

————Gundam Meister Lockon Stratos

————Gundam Meister Allelujah Haptis m (M.I.A.)

————Gundam Meister Tieria Erde

——Fereshte (Chall Acustica, I)

————Gundam Meister Fon Spaak




Celestial Being (Casualties: 0)

——Aeolia Schenberg (Founder, Liberal Democracy-Liberal Technocracy)


Rogue Innovades (Casualties: 2)

——Beside Pain (De-facto Leader, National Legionaris m-Spartanis m)


Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations (Casualties: 32,196)

——Brian Stegmeyer (President, Conservative Democracy- Populist Conservatis m)

——Homer Katagiri (Commanding-general of Space Operations Command, Despotis m- Military Junta)

——Alejandro Corner (UN Diplomat, Paternal Autocracy-Corporatocracy)


Human Reform League (Casualties:76,846)


Advanced European Union (Casualties:12,279)


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书单推荐: 黑篮:霸网B技 海贼:开局神奇海螺,四皇都虚心 原石纪元 海贼:姐姐的面子最重要 末世:从照顾邻居妻女开始 一个探测器的回家之路 穿过那片星海 奥特:我只是个路过的奥特战士 小马宝莉之我成了M6的姐姐 因为太欧成了诡异女皇