第123章 提亚拉之故乡路(2 / 2)
Sliver Spoon: 走累后伫立在路上,脑海中浮现故乡街道,
Sliver Spoon: 绕过山丘斜坡路,仿佛在斥责那样的我。
Sliver Spoon: 水泥路,到处都是,砍掉森林,填平山谷。
Sliver Spoon: 东西区和多摩的山丘。
Sliver Spoon: 我的故乡,是水泥路。
Diamond Tiara: I hear her voice in the morning hours, she calls me
Diamond Tiara: The radio reminds me of my home far away
Diamond Tiara: And driving down the road
Diamond Tiara: Ill get a feeling,That I should have been home,Yesterday, yesterday
Diamond Tiara、Sliver Spoon:乡村路,一叶小舟,乘着风啊,一步两步走
Diamond Tiara、Sliver Spoon:我爱的你啊,跟着我走啊。
Diamond Tiara、Sliver Spoon:牵我的蹄,不回头,
Diamond Tiara、Sliver Spoon: Country Road ,take me home ,to the place, I belong。
Diamond Tiara: West Virginia,
Sliver Spoon:(West Virginia)
Diamond Tiara:Mountain Mama,
Sliver Spoon:(Mountain Mama,)
Diamond Tiara:Take me home,
Sliver Spoon:(Take me home, )
Diamond Tiara、Sliver Spoon: Country Road