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苹果推出“心情晴雨表”追踪情绪能让你变得更快乐吗(2 / 2)

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Real-world use of these apps doesnt always match the aspirational use, researchers have found.


“A lot of mood-tracking tools are built on the idea that people would track their mood at least once a day because theyre supposed to identify patterns and triggers,“ says Stephen Schueller, associate professor of psychological science at the University of California, Irvine.

加州大学欧文分校心理学副教授斯蒂芬·舒勒(Stephen Schueller)表示:“许多情绪追踪工具都是建立在这样的理念之上:人们至少会以每天一次的频率追踪自己的情绪,因为他们需要识别情绪的模式规律和触发因子。”

Schueller and his colleagues found that most people really only track their moods a couple of times a week. They also discovered a paradox: While people are drawn to such apps by negative life events—a divorce, a death—they are more inclined to document positive moods.


Schueller said that while there isnt enough evidence to say definitively that tracking your moods makes you happier, there arent any downsides—except the few extra minutes a day on your phone.“If it allows you to get a more nuanced picture of your life, why not?“


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