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吃不起西红柿的时候麦当劳改了菜单(1 / 1)

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第170章 吃不起西红柿的时候麦当劳改了菜单

Why McDonalds dropped tomatoes from Indian menus


The price of the everyday staple has been climbing steeply for the past couple of weeks, and now stands at almost 200 rupees ($3) a kilo in certain parts of India - a sharp shift from the usual 40-50 rupees.


The costly tomato has wreaked havoc on wallets, in kitchens and even on the streets.


McDonalds recently made news - not for adding a new dish - but dropping tomatoes from its menu in most of its outlets in northern and eastern India. It cited the unavailability of quality tomatoes “due to seasonal crop issues“ as the reason.


The skyrocketing prices have been particularly hard on Indias middle and lower classes, who make up the bulk of the population.


So how does India overe this supply-demand gap? A straightforward solution would be to just store excess produce for the proverbial - and in this case, literal - rainy day.


Another step is to process tomatoes into puree, which can help consumers shift to processed tomatoes when prices of fresh tomatoes are running high.


“Overall, a value chain approach has to be adopted to de-risk the vegetable from production to consumption, but the framework is absent right now,“ says Ashok Gulati, farm economist.

农业经济学家阿肖克·古拉蒂(Ashok Gulati)表示:“总体来说,必须采用价值链法来降低蔬菜从生产到消费过程中的风险,但目前此类体系尚未成型。”

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