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第141章 智能语言模型

ChatGPT Can Give Great Answers. But Only If You Know How to Ask the Right Question


By Jackie Snow

With the new generative AI tools, like ChatGPT, anyone can put in a prompt—type in a few words and get a result. But that doesnt mean that the results will be relevant or accurate. The key is putting in the right prompt.


Thats why some businesses are now hiring prompt engineers—people with the skills, background and practice to talk to so-called large-language AI systems effectively—and why many people expect prompt engineering to be a desirable skill for many kinds of workers to add to their résumés.


In general, the more detailed the request, the closer the response will e to what the user is looking for. But the most effective prompt engineering goes beyond adding detail. Adding the right detail to get the best response is crucial. Each tool also has particular capabilities and limitations that users can learn to manipulate.


Even for people applying to jobs that dont explicitly mention prompt engineering, having this skill could bee essential for all sorts of roles.


Some of the prompt methods that researchers and users have discovered include telling a large-language model “Lets think step by step,“ a method that gets the technology to break plicated requests into smaller steps that are easier to address. Another technique involves telling the AI that it is an expert in a field and its job is to give advice to a layperson. That can help simplify the response on plicated subjects.


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