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第8章 小橘子继续学习



Common Causes

Seizures is not always related to an underlying condition. It may be caused by:

Lack of sleep

Alcohol or drug use (amphetamines or cocaine)

Medications such as certain pain relievers, antidepressants or smoking cessation therapies, that lower the seizure threshold

Lack of oxygen during birth

High stress

Rapidly flashing lights


A neurological disorder that causes seizures or unusual sensations and behaviors. Treatment can control episodes. Some children will outgrow the condition as they age.

Condition Highlight

Urgent medical attention is usually remended in severe cases by healthcare providers

Is condition treatable?

Treatments can help manage condition, no known cure

Does diagnosis require lab test or imaging?

Often requires lab test or imaging

Time taken for recovery

Can last several years or be lifelong

Condition Highlight

Family history may increase likelihood





The rhythmic action of tooth brushing seems to affect people who hae a rare form of epilepsy associated with a small brain lesion.


Out of necessity: He began painting after losing his sight freshman year in college, a result of a lifetime battle with epilepsy.


Dr. Michael Chez, an epilepsy specialist, said the scene could be triggering episodes of photosensitive fits.


Unlike a spasm, a cramp, or the movements of chorea or epilepsy, it does not interfere with other movement and can be held off for a time.



Epilepsy with a known cause is called secondary epilepsy, or symptomatic epilepsy.

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书单推荐: 原神:开局净化魈的业障 黑暗复苏:我有一座移动城堡 外卖小哥的快乐生活 TFBOYS之南星顾北辰 这么玩居然也可以 来到型月,发现继承了fgo存档 漂泊在诸天万界 星穹铁道:穿越成希儿青梅竹马 未来觉醒:奇异复苏 流浪的归乡者号