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第七百二十二章 回见(1 / 2)

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好书推荐: 真莽夫,绝不摆烂!  斗罗二:从邂逅唐雅开始无敌  昭棠赋  女主在线等复活  人在异界,帝皇铠甲开局  网王:能力是附身的我被团宠了  刑侦生活  废柴毒妃是神级大佬  让你去搭讪,没让你强吻校花!  海贼之无敌的我又回来了 

I wanna be in the cavalry if they send me off to war(如果他们送我去打仗,我想当骑兵)

I wanna good steed under me like my forefathers before(我想像我祖先一样骑马奔驰)

And I wanna good mount when the bugle sounds and I hear the cannonss roar(在号角发令,火炮轰鸣时,我想要一匹好马)

I wanna be in the cavalry if I must go off to war(若我必须去打仗,我想当骑兵)

I wanna horse in the volunteer force thats riding forth at dawn(我想加入骑兵志愿军,在破晓出征)

Please save for me some gallantry that will echo when Im gone(请让我留下些豪言壮志在我走后回荡)

And I beg of you sarge let me lead the charge when the battle lines are drawn(我恳求军士在战线排开时让我带领冲锋)

And Lemme at least leave a good hoof beat theyll remember loud and long(至少让我留下一声响亮的马蹄声)

Id not a good foot soldier make, Id be sour and slow at march(我不是个好的步兵,我行军总是落后)

And id be sick on a navy ship, and the sea would leave me parched(在海军军舰上我头晕,海水还让我口干)

But Ill be first in line if theyll let me ride, by god,youll see my starch(但如果让我骑马,那可是我的强项)

lope back oer the heath with the laurel wreath underneath that victory arch(让我带着桂冠从野外凯旋归来吧)

I wanna be in the cavalry if they send me off to war(如果他们送我去打仗,我想当骑兵)

I wanna good steed under me like my forefathers before(我想像我祖先一样骑马奔驰)

And I wanna good mount when the bugle sounds and I hear the cannonss roar(在号角发令,火炮轰鸣时,我想要一匹好马)

I wanna be in the cavalry if I must go off to war(如果我必须去打仗,我要当骑兵)

选自Seth Staton Watkins的《I Wanna Be In The Cavalry》(我要当骑兵)














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书单推荐: NBA鲨鱼东游两年,大姚也东去 杀怪百分百爆率,你跟我比幸运? 龙珠:先有老布后有天 网游之邪恶盗贼 灵气复苏:我知道内幕消息 被神追杀?错!是我追杀神明! 联盟:这位选手很奇怪却过分全能 网游之这个杀手是牧师 让你练短跑,你破了世界纪录? 网游:进化成超神级BOSS