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好书推荐: 明星凶猛  末世:我在血界杀疯了  上吧,小白的御宠!  从假太监进宫开局  末世:从种菜开始肝经验  赛博:九龙城  御兽:登录百万年前  斗罗:震惊!武魂竟是齐天大圣!  腹黑王爷的俏毒妃  生崽后,她闪婚了个病娇大佬 

19. Levich, V. G.,& Krylov, V. S.(1969). Surface-tension-driven phenomena. Annual review of fluid mechanics, 1(1), 293-316.

20. Popinet, S.(2018). Numerical models of surface tension. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 50, 49-75.

21. Matsumoto, M.,& Tanaka, K.(2008). Nano bubble—Size dependence of surface tension and inside pressure. Fluid dynamics research, 40(7-8), 546.

22. Putterman, S. J.(1974). Superfluid hydrodynamics. Amsterdam, 3.

23. Vollhardt, D.,& Wolfle, P.(2013). The superfluid phases of helium 3. Courier Corporation.

24. Wheatley, J. C.(1975). Experimental properties of superfluid He 3. Reviews of modern physics, 47(2), 415.

25. Armstrong, M. A.(2013). Basic topology. Springer Science & Business Media.

26. Kelley, J. L.(2017). General topology. Courier Dover Publications.

27. Orgel, L. E.(1994). The origin of life on the earth. Scientific American, 271(4), 76-83.

28. Orgel, L. E.(1998). The origin of life—a review of facts and speculations. Trends in biochemical sciences, 23(12), 491-495.

29. Küppers, B. O.(1990). Information and the Origin of Life. Mit Press.

30. Brillouin, L.(1953). The negentropy principle of information. Journal of Applied Physics, 24(9), 1152-1163.

31. Von Stockar, U.,& Liu, J. S.(1999). Does microbial life always feed on negative entropy? Thermodynamic analysis of microbial growth. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics, 1412(3), 191-211.

32. Hongbao Ma, S. C.(2005). Nature of Life. Life Science Journal 2005b, 2(1), 7-15.

33. Schrodinger, E.(1956). What is life?. What Is Life.

34. Dronamraju, K. R.(1999). Erwin Schr?dinger and the origins of molecular biology. Genetics, 153(3), 1071-1076.

35. Ryan, J. L.(2012). Ionizing radiation: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 132(3), 985-993.

36. United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation.(1988). Sources, effects and risks of ionizing radiation.


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书单推荐: 风起时想你的夜 苏青羽的单亲日记 红色警戒之至暗时刻 崩坏成为假面骑士名为亚克 末世:回到灵气复苏前 我家店员来自明朝末年 半岛:如果梦中遇见你 从一人开始叠最厚的甲 土匪,土匪 冰封末世:觉醒SSS天赋,从妖灵契约开始